Friday, July 30, 2010

Well, at least we're going somewhere--

1. SSS Motion to Dismiss 2. Our Opposition 3. SSS Reply to Our Opposition

So, the SSS filed a motion to dismiss my case. This apparently signals the end of our talk of settlement, which is a little frustrating, but not really that unexpected. I still think our differences of opinion are really not that far off, and certainly bridgeable, but it seems that right now they'd rather return to the legal process than meet halfway. And what can I say? They gotta do what they think is best.

Here're the plot points: they've filed their motion, we filed an opposition to it, and then they got to file an opposition to our opposition. (All above for your viewing pleasure.) Now they're all in the hands of our Judge Urbina who has the task of sifting through them and deciding if he thinks the case is worth hearing or not. He may ask the lawyers involved to discuss the matter in person, in which case I might head over to DC again and try to be useful.

And, as always, I'm trying to be patient. If I've got to wait more than 3 years for relief, I've got to find a way to go on with my life anyhow. There's a reason this blog is titled The Long Way, I have to remind myself again and again, peace is my faith. Peace is my lifetime commitment. And when I realize that, the stress disappears; I'm doing what I love, striving to live well, and to me there's nothing better.

Thanks for your time, and I hope your striving well too,